Russian Olympiad Winners Enjoy John Boyd Park

Thatcher Park

High-spirited Russian students Evegeniya and Yaha are “living” American history rather than reading about it in a textbook.

After Boston, I brought the girls to a beautiful escarpment overlooking the Adirondacks, Green Mountains and Hudson-Mohawk Valley. It’s always a treat seeing how others reaction to the beautiful panoramic views of John Boyd Thatcher Park.

The girls came alive here. They spread their wings, pretending to fly over the side, climbed trees and found small patches of snow, enough to playfully toss snowballs at one another.

The famous Indian Ladder Trail is closed until May 1st but the trail on top loops close to the edge. Leafless trees allow wonderful views of a waterfall rushing spring water over the side.

As for history, there’s a sign that tells about the English Tory Spy who hid out in a cave here during the American Revolution. He was caught by the Patriots when smoke from his campfire leaked through vents from cave. He was tried, found guilty and hanged inside the cave.

I was relieved when we couldn’t find the cave because odds are good that these mischievous girls would have scrambled into it and lost their way.

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