Do the math, Cliff DaVis was a treasure!

The Songs at Sunset fundraiser would always bring a smile to the face of our Treasurer, Cliff DaVis. True, he loved dressing dapper for special occasions but, no doubt, it was because he knew that when the time came to recite his monthly “Treasurer’s Report,” all would be grateful to hear what was raised at the event. Donations that would sustain the nonprofit for another year.

Members of the board will always be grateful for Cliff’s 16-year commitment to the ATA. His accounting skills at keeping the books meticulous and accurate were a bonafide treasure. His command of calculations was always the first to kick off the morning meetings.

“The relationship with the organization was always positive for me. I’ve enjoyed working with everyone and because the mission is so important, it’s always been rewarding. It was an enriching experience and I gained skills that I know will help in future volunteer work,” said DaVis.

“It took me a while to keep track of where he was when he reviewed the balance sheet,” admits ATA member, Sonja Stark. “Cliff’s brain worked lightning fast when it came to things like assets, appreciation, and profit.”

Cliff resigns his post at the ATA at the beginning of 2022 but assures us that he’ll remain loyal to the cause, volunteering his expertise when we need him. A million thank you’s for a decade-plus of volunteer service, Cliff!

Cliff Davis at the Fort Orange Club during an Annual Songs at Sunset fundraiser.