A message to our friends during war

The ATA sends our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all as the war between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate. We know we share a collective love and appreciation for the people of Russia and Ukraine and that dialogue and diplomacy efforts between the U.S. and the people of Russia are now more important than ever.

My thoughts and prayers are with our Board colleagues, their families, and all of our friends in Russia and Ukraine who are suffering in the face of this terrible war. 

To our friends and colleagues with loved ones in Russia and Ukraine, and to our Russian and Ukrainian Board members, please let us know concrete ways the Albany-Tula Alliance may provide assistance.

Best wishes and Godspeed


In early 2022, the Albany-Tula Alliance unanimously voted to suspend our sister-city activities with Russia. On November 6, 2023, the last remaining board members officially announced the dissolution of the organization. On November 28, 2023 (Giving Tuesday), the ATA presented the International Center of the Capital Region (ICCR) with our remaining funds, a monetary gift valued at $36,580.

This ATA website will no longer be maintained or updated but will continue to be viewable until July, 2025. All email addresses (contact, administrator, info or otherwise) have been deleted and are no longer in use.

Left to Right: Roger Ramsammy, Ph.D, President of HVCC, Mike O’Brien, ICCR Board President, Holly McKenna, ICCR Executive Director, Anton Konev, ATA Board Member, Dan Robeson, ATA Treasurer, Jay Dietchman, ICCR board member and Coordinator for Global Initiatives at HVCC.

The ATA and ICCR have worked closely on global initiatives to share American culture and business practices with foreign countries, and now this gift will help amplify ICCR’s youth programming, which is going to be expanding in the coming year.

“We are so truly thankful for this gift from the Tula Alliance,” said Holly Planells McKenna, the
Executive Director of ICCR. “We’ve loved working with the ATA on a number of projects and delegations that have come to the Capital Region, and we look forward to amplifying our reach among some of our younger audiences through our youth programming–made possible with this gift.”

After more than 30 years of diplomatic successes between Albany, NY, and Tula, Russia, the ATA has agreed to end the organization in early November 2023. Board members unanimously agreed to donate the remaining funds of their nonprofit to the International Center of the Capital Region.

“The mission of the ICCR parallels what the ATA has always strived for, the betterment of humankind through volunteer efforts,” said Vladimir Kuperman, Chair of the ATA. “Citizen-to-citizen diplomacy was what made the ATA so special and ICCR shares that same philosophy. As such we have decided to gift a donation in the amount of $36,580 to ICCR’s programs that further promote cultural understanding like homestays, exchanges, social activities, and leadership programs. The ATA is confident that ICCR will use this contribution to foster peace and friendship as goodwill ambassadors in a world surrounded by humanitarian challenges.”

Left to Right: Sonja Stark, ATA Public Relations Committee Chair, Anton Konev, ATA board member, Dan Robeson, ATA Treasurer, Jay Dietchman, former ATA board member.

For decades ICCR has promoted citizen diplomacy to Capital Region residents, but it has mainly been with adults. With this gift, the nonprofit will be expanding to more area school-aged children from kindergarten to college. ICCR hopes to teach young people in the Capital Region to be global citizens for the next generation, as part of the ICCR Youth Diplomacy Program.